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Coin alerts, trade signals and new coin alerts

Make better sense of the cryptocurrency market and know when to enter and exit trades with the help of our wide variety of coin charts, indicators, signals, crypto alerts, and scanners. We provide all the services and resources you could possibly want to monitor the cryptocurrency market. The alerts system is one of the features that lets you set up email, text message, and Discord alerts for your account.

With this method, you can rest assured that you won't lose out on any major market developments or opportunities. Price and volume alerts, EMA crosses, relative strength index (RSI) alerts, multiple trading signal alerts, bollinger band alerts, and Stochastic RSI alerts are only some of the signals available. Users can then make educated guesses based on the latest market data.

It also features a robust screener, crypto bubbles, and alerts for newly listed coins. Keep abreast of the market with the help of the technical analysis notifications. If you use, you'll always be up-to-date on the latest price changes, giving you a leg up whether investing or trading.

Multiple Alert Types

Keep up to date with the market, and spend less time glued to your screen.